Liability Disclaimer
I understand that participation in a DogFit® class with BeYourselfOutdoors may pose some risk to myself and my dog/ s and expressly assume the risk of any damage or injury (to myself, or my dog/s), incurred whilst participating in a class conducted by a DogFit® Certified Trainer.
I understand that I shall be responsible for my dog and indemnify and hold harmless DogFit, - and it’s trainers, volunteers and representatives from and against all claims, damages, costs and liabilities in respect of any loss, damage or personal injury sustained by me or any third party which is directly or indirectly caused by my dog or to my dog following participation in a DogFit® class with BeYourselfOutdoors.
I hereby certify that my dog/s and I are physically fit and have no medical conditions which may prevent full participation in a DogFit® class with BeYourselfOutdoors.
I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which might occur as a result of my dog participating in this activity.
I confirm that my dog/s are covered by third party insurance.
I agree that DogFit®/BeYourselfOutdoors may use images/footage taken during the session for their own marketing and promotion.